Could Space Force Still Land in Alabama?

The Battle for the Spaceforce could still be underway. During President Trump’s first term, he had stated that he wanted Space Command Head Quarters (USSSPACECOM HQ) to be located in Huntsville, Al.  Studies by the Department of Defense found Huntsville to be the ideal location of the Headquarters. Initially, 24 states were in consideration for the location. This list was trimmed down to six. The final decision was between Huntsville and Colorado Springs, Colorado. The Secretary of the Air Force, on behalf of the Office of Secretary of Defense, selected Redstone Arsenal as the preferred location. “We found that the process Air Force officials used to select Huntsville, Alabama, as the preferred permanent location for the U.S. Space Command headquarters (USSPACECOM HQ) complied with law and policy, and was reasonable in identifying Huntsville as the preferred permanent location,” the findings from the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General reads.

It seemed the decision had been made. After President Biden took office though, he ignored the recommendations, and decided to base it in Colorado Springs. It was a decision many believe to be based, not in merit, but for political purposes. Several Alabama politicians have expressed that they believe with Trump now back in office, that he will once again, push to have the Head Quarters moved to Alabama. US Representative Mike Rogers announced back in November that he expected President Trump to address the future of the location of Space Command. Most recently, on Wednesday, Senator Tommy Tubberville posted on social media, “I feel very good about it” in regards to it coming to Alabama.  He stated he had discussed the issue with the President at a breakfast on January 17th. Tubberville said the President still had to work through all the details before making or announcing a decision final. Senator Kati Britt and Representative Dale Strong Have also joined Senator Tuberville in introducing resolutions to recognize Redstone as the preferred location.

The issue is important to people in Alabama, because of the opportunity for jobs and the potential economic impact it could have. There are about 1,700 people who work there currently. It could bring in as much as $450 Million annually, and that does not include $500 to 1 Billion in Military construction cost. We will continue to monitor the developments and any breaking news or announcements regarding the potential relocation.

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