City of Centre Experiencing Growth

Raymond Matthews, City Building Inspector, gave the quarterly report covering the period of October 1 through December 31, 2024, during the Centre City Council meeting Tuesday.

He said the City issued 7 Building Permits for a total value of $5,891,484 with the City retaining $6465. There were 23 residential building permits with a total value of $1,678,996 with the City retaining $3275 of the permit fees. The total for the Building permits was $7,570,380 with the City retaining a total of $9740.50 in permit fees.

Matthews told the Council this was a 34 percent increase over the previous quarter in Commercial permits and a 53 percent increase in residential permits over the previous quarter.

He told the Council the City is experiencing good growth and it should be even more with the Construction of the new Courthouse and the new Centre City Hall on Main Street.

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