Cedar Bluff Town Council Special Called Meeting

During the Special Called Cedar Bluff Town Council Meeting on Wednesday evening the Council had three items on its agenda, with one of those items being tabled until the next meeting.

First on the agenda, the Council discussed at length the situation about the cell tower in Cedar Bluff. After a long discussion, Councilman Jack Bond made a motion that the cell company that Cedar Bluff works with will have to send a complete draft of the new contract for the Council to really look at. The motion was approved.

The budget was tabled until the next council meeting because the CPA has to be involved to do many adjustments.

Last on the agenda was ARPA funds. The Council approved to revise the spending plan contingent on the revised government plan. Also, the Council approved to put back $67,981.57 in the ARPA fund, and that money will be allocated to the police fund for work extensive work on the police department’s building.

The next Cedar Bluff Town Council meeting will be on January 13.







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