City of Piedmont Council Meeting

During the Tuesday evening City Work Session, Mayor Bill Baker brought up Piedmont Fire Chief Todd Kirkland to discuss the overtime situation with the Fire Department. Chief Kirkland wants to restructure the hours of overtime but doesn’t want to cut that much wage. He also wants to hire two more Firemen. He would like to make adjustments because so much was paid out last year in overtime salaries. The Council wants full details.

Kirkland, told the Council he will meet with Council members individually and his plan could save Piedmont $40-50 thousand dollars. He will send an email about his plan to the entire Council.

Police Chief Nathan Johnson took the podium next during the work session and discussed the possibility of raising the pay for his staff. Johnson is worried and concerned he could lose his very young staff and is the voice of the Piedmont Police Department.

After the Work Session, the Regular meeting began with Mayor Baker informing the Council the operational expenses for the past two weeks were $349,470.71, which included two weeks of payroll. The bills were approved for payment.

Next on the agenda was City Clerk Carl Hinton, who discussed the Smith’s Flooring quote with the Council. Hinton informed the Council the quote is $11,819.00. This was approved unanimously by the Council.

The Council then discussed the 2024 Incentive Pay Projections for employees of Piedmont. The Council approved, based on longevity, there will be a $100 base plus $10 for each year an employee worked for the City of Piedmont. The Council then denied a change of office work hours for the employees of Piedmont.

Hinton informed the Council that the restaurant at Fagan’s Park is really looking good. Hinton also thanked all of the city employees for the job they did with the Christmas Parade.

Baker said he was happy how the Piedmont High School Football team played this past season and thought the Christmas Parade was great. He also informed the Council the Auditors will be at the next Council meeting.

The next City of Piedmont Council Meeting will be December 12.

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