New Cherokee County Courthouse Construction Update

During the Planning Session of the County Commission meeting Monday afternoon, County Administrator, Daniel Steele, gave Commission an update on the construction of the new courthouse. The rafters are now up and in place. The decking and roofing will soon be in place. He told the Commission the target date for having the side walls and roofing is the end of December. Judge Burgess told the group, the roofing will be nailed on the conventional way with hammers not nail guns. He said it will be a little noisy in the neighborhood while that is going on. Burgess also said all the construction payments have been made and are up to date.

During the regular meeting, the Commission approved December 23rd as an additional day for the County Offices and Courthouse to be closed for the Christmas Holidays. The schedule was for December 24th and 25th. The Commission also approved for the Admin Building and Courthouse to be closed from 11:30 AM until 1PM on December 18th for County Employees Christmas Party.

The Commission approved a non paid leave of absence for a Library employee for up to 90 days, surplus an F-250 Truck for the Animal Shelter to be sold at auction, surplus a 2017 Jaguar for the Sheriff’s department to be disposed of according to the Court Order, surplus a 2018 Ford Explorer to be exchanged for a Chevrolet sedan with the District Attorney’s Office, 590 solid waste exemptions were approved, and adopted the 2025 holiday schedule.

The Commission voted to go into an Executive Session to discuss the purchase or sale of property and matters of Trade or Commerce. No action was expected to be taken on the matters after the session.

The next County Commission Meeting will be December 9th at 10am.


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