Cedar Bluff Town Council Meeting

The Cedar Bluff Town Council had 10 items on their agenda for the Tuesday afternoon meeting, with one of those items being tabled until the next meeting.

The Council met during its Workshop before the Council Meeting. The Council discussed the Christmas Lighting of the Park. This will take place on December 2 at 6 p.m. Also during the Workshop, the Council discussed the Zoning Ordinance. This was decided by the Council to put it back in the hands of the East Barn Planning Committee.

During the Regular Council Meeting, Mayor Tammy Crane had Police Chief Jeremy Stepps give the Police Report for the month of October. The Cedar Bluff Police Department patrolled 11,585 miles with 16 felony arrests and 7 warrants served.

Then Fireman Bill Warren gave the Fire Report for October. There were 22 incidents. After that, Building Inspector Mark Baty gave the Building Inspector Report for October. There were 5 Camper Permits purchased.

The Utilities Board adopted a resolution to take over the sewer inspection. Also, in new business, the Council received a quote from Network Solutions for a new server in Town Hall for $7,169.60, which was approved by the Council.

Next on the agenda, the Council received a quote to test Air Pack Bottles for $970. This was also approved by the Council.

Last on the agenda, Mayor Tammy Crane informed the Council they will have a Christmas Light Sponsorship this year. The cost of a sponsorship is $500, with an annual renewal of $100. The money raised will be set aside to purchase new lights each year and for upkeep.

Following the last item on the agenda, Council Member Angela Ritchie made a motion to go into Executive Session and not reconvene. Thus, the meeting was over at that time.

The next Cedar Bluff Town Council meeting will be on December 9.






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