City of Piedmont Council Regular Meeting

 During the Regular meeting, Mayor Bill Baker informed the Council of the operational expenses for the past three weeks was $717,598.32, which included three weeks of payroll. The bills were approved for payment.

The Council then reviewed the Alabama Farm-City Week Proclamation. There was no Police and Fire Report at this meeting.

In Visitor Comments, Mr. Tommy Trotter and his wife Dawn spoke to the Council about the Industrial Resin Recycling Plant in Piedmont. This plant has been in existence since 2013.

The plant’s owner is Robert Houston from Howell, Michigan. Mr. Houston has two locations in Michigan. They are a plastic recycling/compounder. The Trotters were accompanied by Piedmont City Engineer Corey Ponder. They asked the Council with help on a transformer of a cost of $100,000. The Council told them that their owner needs to have a proposal with their specific needs for the Council to review.

City Clerk Carl Hinton informed the Council the roof at Fagan’s Restaurant is finished and it looks real good and the park is really shaping up.

Mayor Baker informed the Council that close to 2,000 people showed up for Halloween Night in the Downtown area. The Mayor also commended Police Chief Nathan Johnson for completing 240 hours of The Certified Law Execution Program. Baker then informed the Council the City of Piedmont received a grant for $ 3,755,146 for replacing over seven miles of gas pipe lines.

The next City of Piedmont Council meeting is set for Nov. 19.

