Leesburg Town Council Meeting

During the Monday afternoon City of Leesburg Town Council meeting Mayor Brandy Pierce addressed the Council about Ordinance 2024-02 to establish the use of an electronic vote counting system for Municipal Elections. This was approved unanimously.

Next on the agenda, the Council approved Resolution 2024-02 for the sale of Personal Property to Jamie Chatman. Chatman will pay the City of Leesburg $50 to take possession of the Leesburg Police’s drug sniffing dog.

The Council then approved posting bids for a Fire Department Compressed Air Station. Mayor Brandy Pierce will be accepting sealed bids to open at the next meeting. Councilman Sonaty will be looking into the best station to purchase. Along with that, the Council approved to lease farm land to Rex Johnson on a 2-year lease.

The Mayor informed the Council that they needed to hire a new Police Officer because one was leaving. The Council approved to hire Tanner Young, who is 20 years old, and already a Certified Police Officer. Young will sign a 3-year contact at $ 18 an hour. He’ll start in about two weeks.

The Council approved the 2025 Meeting Dates beginning on January 6, 2025. Lisa Mackey was approved to renew her lease from the City for another 12-month contract.

The next Leesburg Town Council meeting is set for Monday, Dec. 2.



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