Cedar Bluff Town Council Meeting

The Cedar Bluff Town Council met in regular session Monday evening and Mayor Tammy Crane asked the Council to approve the past minutes and financial reports. The minutes were approved but the financial reports were tabled until the next meeting.

During the Regular Council Meeting, Crane had Police Chief Jeremy Stepps give the Police Report for August. The Cedar Bluff Police Department patrolled 19,035 miles with 14 felony arrests and 6 warrants served.

Then Fireman Bill Warren gave the Fire Report for August. There were 19 incidents in August. After that, Mark Baty, the Building Inspector gave the Building Report for August. There were 14 Camper Permits purchased.

Next, on the agenda was new business which was the Fiscal Year 24/25 Budget. This was tabled until the next meeting unanimously. But will be at the top of the list at the next meeting in October.

The next Cedar Bluff Town Council meeting will be on October 14th.

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