Cherokee County School Board Regular Meeting

*Personnel action items F: 5-6 were tabled until the next meeting. 

1. Call to Order
2. Opening Prayer
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Welcome
5. Public Comments
6. Roll Call – Establishment of a Quorum
7. Proper Procedures for Board Meeting Notification
8. Adopt Agenda
9. Approve August 19, 2024 Minutes
10. Receive June 2024 Financial Report


Receive the June 2024 Bank Reconciliation, Cash Balance, and Financial Report. The financial data and cash balance presented in these reports were based on the reconciled bank statements to the general ledger as of June 30, 2024.
11. Adopt Proclamation Declaring September 2024 as Attendance Awareness Month
12. Approve 2024-25 Renewal of Alabama Trust for Boards of Education (ATBE) General Liability/Errors and Omissions Liability Fund Participation
13. Approve 2024-25 Renewal of Alabama Trust for Boards of Education (ATBE) Automobile Fund Participation
14. Approve FY25 Annual Evaluation of the Content and Effectiveness of the LEA Parent and Family Engagement Policy
15. Approve FY25 Sign Language Interpreting Services Agreement


  1. Sign Language Interpreting Services, LLC
16. Approve SG Energy Savings Budget Amendment


  1. Spring Garden School Energy Savings Budget Amendment
17. Approve Capital Plan
18. Accept Bids


  1. Cedar Bluff Oil – Sole Responsible Bidder – ITB# 24-06 Fuel Bid
  2. Blossman Gas – Lowest Responsible Bidder – ITB# 24-07 Propane Gas Bid
  3. Waste Management – Sole Responsible Bidder – ITB# 24-08 Garbage Service Bid
  4. Wittichen Supply – Sole Responsible Bidder – ITB# 24-09 HVAC Bid
19. Approve Out of State Travel


  1. Brittany Hill and CB FFA Students to attend the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN on October 22-26, 2024 – Funded by CB FFA/Vocational Travel – Trip 2841
  2. Andrew Miller and SG FFA Students to attend the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN on October 21-26, 2024 – Funded by SG FFA – Trip 2809
20. Approve Personnel Action
A. Resignations


  1. Logan Shook, Electronics Teacher at Cherokee County Career and Technology Center – Effective: September 16, 2024
  2. Shelby Malone, Assistant CNP Manager at Spring Garden School – Effective: September 16, 2024
B. Certified Transfers


  1. Jessica Rogers from Elementary Teacher to Reading Specialist at Centre Elementary School (Kaylin Lancaster’s Position) – Effective: September 12, 2024
  2. Melissa Sliger from Elementary Teacher to Reading Intervention Teacher at Centre Elementary School (New Position) – Effective: September 12, 2024
C. Certified Placements


  1. Jaycie Newton, Elementary Teacher at Centre Elementary School – Pending Elementary Certification (Jessica Rogers Position) – Effective: September 12, 2024
  2. Casey Pearson, Electronics/Robotics Instructor at Cherokee County Career and Technology Center (Logan Shook’s Position) – Effective: September 23, 2024
D. Classified Transfer


  1. Krista Christopher from CNP Worker at Centre Elementary School to County-wide Special Education Paraprofessional – Pending Verification of Required Qualifications (New Position) – Effective: September 30, 2024
E. Classified Placements


  1. Adrea Jones, Federal Programs School Social Worker (Sarah Richardson’s Position)- Effective: November 15, 2024
  2. Leah Maddox, Assistant CNP Manager at Spring Garden School (Shelby Malone’s Position) – Pending Background Check – Effective: September 16, 2024
F. Contract Positions


  1. Anne Miller, Certified Tutor – Temporary/Part-time Position at Centre Middle School – Effective: October 1, 2024 (Pending budget approval)
  2. Savana Black, CNP Supper Worker – Effective: October 1, 2024
  3. Katie Odom, CNP Supper Worker – Effective: October 1, 2024
  4. Amanda Sanford, CNP Supper Worker – Effective: October 1, 2024
  5. *Linda Weaver, CNP Supper Worker – Effective: October 1, 2024
  6. *Tesha Wood, CNP Supper Worker – Effective: October 1, 2024
  7. 21st Century/Title Contract Employment (See attached spreadsheet)
G. Supplemental Pay


  1. Derrick Hooper, Bush Hogging at CCCTC – $200 – Funded by Local School
H. 2024-2025 CCHS Supplement Revision/Addition


  1. Remove Katherine Johnson as Girls Track Coach $2,237 and Reassign to Matthew Wheeler $3,886
  2. Shawn Turner, CCHS Football – $1,500 – Funded by CCHS Football
I. 2024-2025 Substitute Renewals


  1. Kathryn Banks
  2. Heather Elrod
  3. Madison Ham
  4. Kimberly Stephenson
J. 2024-2025 New Substitutes


  1. Olivia Baker
  2. Rita Bobbitt
  3. Devon Chodos
  4. Emilee Crane
  5. Danielle Dwyer-Harris
  6. Cynthia King
  7. Carole Kovac-DeMarco
  8. Mariah Lewis
  9. Brylie McDaniel
  10. April Roberts
K. 2024-2025 Volunteers


  1. Kay Kellen – Extended Family Staff
  2. Darren Andre Covington, CCHS Basketball (Pending Background Clearance)
L. Leave of Absence


  1. Deanna Reed, Special Education Paraprofessional at Centre Middle School
21. Approve Professional Development
22. Review Current Job Postings

At Large Elementary Teacher Centre Elementary School 9/11/2024 Until Filled
At Large Child Nutrition Worker – 7 Hour Centre Elementary School 9/11/2024 Until Filled
At Large Speech Language Pathologist – Extended Leave Certified Sub Centre Elementary School 7/15/2024 Until Filled
At Large TEAMS Math Teacher (Internal Posting) County-wide 7/15/2024 Until Filled
At Large TEAMS Science Teacher (Internal Posting) County-wide 7/15/2024 Until Filled
At Large Certified Elementary Tutor – Temporary/Part-time Position (2 Positions) Sand Rock School 9/5/2024 Until Filled
At Large Certified Secondary Tutor – Temporary/Part-time Position Sand Rock School 9/5/2024 Until Filled
23. Superintendent’s Update
24. FY25 Budget Hearing
25. Approve FY25 Budget
26. Other


  1. The next board meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 7, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. and will be held in the Cherokee County Commission Meeting Room.
27. Student Disciplinary Hearing
28. Executive Session to Discuss a Potential Real Estate Transaction
29. Adjourn
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