Cherokee County Commission Meeting

During the Monday afternoon Cherokee County Commission Planning Session, Chairman Tim Burgess called on Cindy McGinnis from the Family Care Center and Food Bank to speak with the Commission about a sponsorship opportunity. McGinnis discussed things going on at the Family care Center. She told the Commission they have been very busy and asked if they can find a contribution in their budget. The Commission will review this request.

Next up during the Planning Session, Chairman Burgess brought up Steve Tucker, Ronnie Rodgers and Jennifer Green who is the Business and Research Director at JSU. Green was the keynote presenter to the Commission. She told them about the outdoor assessment they had conducted with geo-fencing. This was focused on the rock climbing in Cherokee County at the Cherokee Rock Village. She informed the Commission that each visitor spends an average of $70.54 a day when they visit. They have been utilizing geo-fencing to see where the people are coming from.

Cherokee Rock Village is considered the Mecca for rock climbers in the Southeast part of the United States. Chairman Burgess said they will look at everything through the process.

In new business, the Commission approved the Fiscal Year 2025 County Transportation for Cherokee County as presented by the County Engineer. Along with this, the Commission approved the job posting for a Part-Time Library Assistant and hired Aubrey Williams as the Collections Clerk in the Revenue Commission Office.

The last item brought to the Commission’s attention was from Administrator Daniel Steele. He informed the Commission there is a large need for a faster internet service in their building. This would also go into the new courthouse building being constructed. The new internet company is Spectrum Charter Company LLC. For the Commission to get new internet service, the cost would be $1,149.00 a month. This was approved unanimously by the Commission to Authorize the Chairman to sign off on this.

The next Cherokee County Commission Meeting will be September 9th at 10:00am


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