City Of Centre Council Regular Meeting

During the Tuesday afternoon City of Centre Council Meeting Mayor Mansfield asked Brooke Trainer, Programs Director, from the Family Care Center and Food Bank to speak with the Council about a sponsorship opportunity. Trainer discussed things going on at the Family Care Center. She informed the Council they have over 30 volunteers and 6 full-time staff on duty. They have been in existence for 17 years and are requesting a contribution from the Council of $5,000. This would provide them with flexibility to purchase their most needed items to stock their food shelves. The Council will review this request.

The Council then heard from Bobby Paul, the Centre Street and Supervisor as he selects the five worst streets in Centre that need to be paved. With a cost of $ 242,039.08 to pave all five streets this was approved. It will be funded by the Gas Tax and the General Fund.

After that, Bobby Paul continued to inform the Council about the need to purchase new garbage dumpsters. He told Council they only last 2-3 years and the bottoms rust out. Council approved to purchase four 6 yard dumpsters from T&S Welding in the amount of  $9,000. Paul, then asked the Council to approve lids for the dumpsters. Council also approved the purchase of 50 lids from Impact Environmental Group for $1, 977.66.

Last item on the agenda, was to repair the sewer leak at the Senior Citizen Center. Raymond Matthews, the Centre Building Inspector informed the Council the pressure line is leaking badly and needs to be repaired very soon. Weaver Plumbing & Septic LLC of Centre gave the City a proposal for $5500. They will cut approximately 4 feet by 10 feet, dig out & repair the broken sewer line, haul away any old material, backfill with gravel and replace concrete. This was unanimously approved.

In Mayor Comments, Mayor Mansfield informed Council that they are continuing to remove asbestos from the old City Hall.

The next City of Centre Council Meeting will be Tuesday August 26th.


