Cedar Bluff Town Council Meeting

The Cedar Bluff Town Council met during their workshop prior to the Council Meeting on Monday afternoon and Council Member Loretta Higgins addressed the Council concerning the damage of property in the Town Park. Higgins said she would like to stop replacing basketball goals because individuals keep destroying them. She is tired of seeing them broken. This was talked over by the Council, but it is a situation that has to be reviewed.

Then, Mayor Tammy Crane brought forth Daphne Rogers from Extended Family. Rogers spoke at length about the wonderful things going on at Extended Family these days. She was accompanied to the Council Meeting by Extended Family Executive Director Laure Clemons.

During the Regular Council Meeting, Crane had police Chief Jeremy Stepps give the Police Report for the month of July. The Cedar Bluff Police Department patrolled 14,090 miles with 20 felony arrests and 15 warrants served.

Then, Fireman Bill Warren gave the Fire Report for July; there were 19 incidents in July. After that, Mark Baty, the Building Inspector, gave the Building Inspector Report for July; there were 18 camper permits purchased.

Next on the agenda, was the purchasing of lids for trash cans for a total of $1,500 from the Toter Company. This was approved unanimously by Council and the funding will come from the sanitation fund.

Cedar Bluff Police Department.

The last item on the agenda, was the Loss Control Report for the Cedar Bluff Police Department Building. The Cedar Bluff Police Department has been evicted from the building effective Friday, Aug. 16, because it’s so run down. Police Chief Stepps informed the Council that when it rains, water is everywhere inside their building. Cody Marcum, from Amica Insurance, was the individual who told them the building doesn’t comply and is not safe. Cedar Bluff Town Council must be proactive with this situation.

This was tabled at the meeting, but will be at the top of the list at the next meeting. The Council will have three choices: get a price on remodeling, have a new building erected, or permanently move into the Council Meeting room and remodel that. For the time being, that’s where the Cedar Bluff Police will be working.

The next Cedar Bluff Town Council meeting will be held on Monday, Sept. 9.
