Cherokee County Commission Meeting

A significant number of items were covered during the Monday morning meeting of the Cherokee County Commission.

Starting things off, Steve Tucker was appointed to the Alabama Mountain Lakes Tourist Association – that, in order to fill a two-year term, which is set to end in September of 2026; the Commission also voted to terminate the contract with Whittaker Contracting, Inc. for micro-service seal coats dated February 26th, 2024 – and then awarded the contract to Wiregrass Construction Company – and commission members adopted a resolution to name a section of the former State Route 25 (aka U.S. Highway 411), as Cherokee County Road #267.

And, they granted approval for the long-term Detention Subsidy Contract with the Alabama Department of Youth Services – for a period of October 1st, 2024 through September 30th, 2025.  Also, approval was granted for the Vertical VAR Services Agreement in order to provide remote support assistance at a cost of $2,250.

The next meeting is set for Monday, August 26th (2024) – starting at 5:00 that afternoon in the Cherokee County Administration Building in Centre


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