Kim Presley Hired as Drug Court Coordinator for District and Circuit Courts in DeKalb and Cherokee Counties

The judges of the Ninth Judicial Circuit are proud to announce the hiring of Kim Presley as the Drug Court Coordinator for the District and Circuit courts in DeKalb and Cherokee Counties. Drug Court is an intensive treatment program that allows first-time and non-violent drug offenders to seek treatment within the court system for drug addiction.

Substance abuse, including the use of illicit drugs and the misuse of prescriptions drugs, has been a persistent and long-standing problem in the United States. National rates of substance abuse have increased over the last two decades and pose a serious risk to the moral and ethical fabric of our communities. While the court system works vigorously to assist in ending this pandemic, we recognize that we must use every tool available to us. Ms. Presley will be a valuable part of this process. She will work closely with law enforcement. judges, and attorneys to quickly identify those individuals in need of help. Once those individuals are identified and placed into the Drug Court Program. Ms. Presley will assist the court system in monitoring their progress.

This position will be funded by a national drug court grant received by this Circuit and local funds derived primarily from court costs paid by the Defendants within the court system. having a minimum impact on taxpayers.

If anyone desires more information on the Drug Court Program. or any of the other treatment options available. they may call my office at (256) 845-8540. Also, court sessions are always open to the public. and we welcome visitors anytime.

Andrew J. Hairston
Presiding Circuit Judge

Shaunathan C. Bell
Circuit Judge

Jeremy S. Taylor
Circuit Judge

Steven L. Whitmire
DeKalb County District Judge

Wesley S. Mobley
Cherokee County District Judge
