Georgia Man Jailed on Public Drunkenness Charge After Court Appearance

A Chattooga County, Georgia man ended up behind bars, after he showed up in State Court Judge Jon Dennis’ courtroom last week and he admitted that he had been drinking.

During court proceedings held Thursday of last week – Judge Dennis was trying to make announcements and explain court procedure when a man that was in the courtroom started speaking loudly – and interrupting the judge.

The man had to be told several times to stop talking so loudly because he was being disruptive.  After many times of asking the man to be quiet the Judge finally asked for the man’s name – and he told him once again to be quiet and listen to court instructions.

A deputy asked Kenneth Sellers to come out into the hall – so court could continue until it was his turn to be called – and, the officer saw that when Sellers got up to walk out of the room he was very unsteady on his feet.

Once they got out in the hall, Sellers was asked if he’d been drinking that day.  Sellers told the deputy that he had been drinking earlier because he was nervous about having to come to court.  He was then asked to blow into a breathalyzer to which he blew a .289 – above the legal limit.

The officer then let the judge know just what had happened – and he said that Sellers was going to be placed under arrest.  The judge stated, that if Sellers sobered up enough, he could come back later for arraignment; he was then placed under arrest for Public Drunkenness – and booked in, at the Chattooga County Jail.

(AM1180 Chattooga County Radio)

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