Cherokee County Commission Names Deputy EMA Director

Deputy EMA Director Named

The Cherokee County Commission approved a memorandum of understanding with the E-9-1-1 Board for the EMA Deputy Director position which will spell out the duties and will also share the cost of benefits. The Commission then approved the transfer of Brent Snead from the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Department to the position of Deputy EMA Director at the recommendation of Director Shawn Rogers. Snead will perform the duties of the Director in his absence and assist in the E 9-1-1 office.

The Commission approved the designation of dissemination agent agreement with Raymond James to file financial reports on behalf of the County Commission. William Evans Morgan was hired as Assistant Engineer II at the highway department. The agreement for the Section 53-11 Non-urbanized Area Public Transportation with East Alabama with a local match of $17,198 and authorized the Chairman to sign.  An agreement with Southern Data Automation of IT related software was approved.

The Commission Approved a Proclamation recognizing June 15, 2024 as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

The next meeting of the Cherokee County Commission will be July 8th at 9am for the planning session and meeting at 10.

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