‘Bringing Hope to Cherokee County’ June 20th – 23rd; Special WEIS Radio Interview

It’s almost here – for you, your family, your church and your community!

Bringing Hope to Cherokee County, it’s the big Cherokee County Alabama Revival Tour Crusade, Thursday – Sunday, June 20th – 23rd, in the old K-Mart Parking Lot on the Bypass in Centre – and services get underway at 7:00 weeknights – 5:00pm on Sunday.

Eric Jones and Mike Francen joined us in the WEIS Radio Studios recently to discuss that upcoming evening of joy:


We encourage everyone to be an active participant in this event bringing hope to the County – State – and the Country.

And, organizers can use your help in a number of ways:


Also there will be around $10,000 worth of food given to families in need during the course of this event!

For additional information simply listen to the interview in its entirety:

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