Cherokee County Schools Regular Board Meeting

During the Monday afternoon meeting of the Cherokee County School Board, Superintendent Mike Welsh asked the Board to approve the contract with Therapy Junction, LLC to provide Physical Therapy Services –Effective 2024-2025 School Year which was approved.

Next on the agenda extending the CNP Supplemental Groceries Bid with Osborn Brothers, this was accepted.

The Board approved Out of State Travel for Will Dodd and two Sand Rock students to participate in a Career Technical Student Organization at Mississippi State on June 12-14 2024 –Funded by an Agri-science Extended Grant.

The Board declared two different items as Surplus Property which will be sold. They are a Score Table and a Reel Mower both from Cedar Bluff School.

After this the Board approved Personnel Action. Item A was the retirements for Lona Beukens and Debra Parker. Item B was Certified Placements for Hannah Cooper, Aimee Thrasher, Malorie Lowe, Darbie Rosser and Samantha Carnes and Item C was Classified Transfers for Elizabeth White,Windy Stone, Brenda Peek and Sarah Battles. Item D was approving 15 new Classified Placements. Item E was approving supplemental pay for Laura Parris, Madison Sides, Logan Shook, Cristy Motes, Kristie Loyd, Julia Birchfield and Josh Decker, CCHS Baseball for $1,394 funded by the Upper Deck Club. Item F was to approve the Special Education Elementary Teaching Position which they did. Item G was to review Jonna Betterton’s contract as Principal at Centre Middle School.

The Board reviewed the current job openings and the Vape Intervention and Education Policy for the upcoming school year.

Superintendent Welsh, updated the Board how proud he is of all the Cherokee County 3rd Grade scoring a cumulative 93% on their assessment tests. He also addressed how unhappy he was with the chronic absenteeism during the latter part of the school year. This will have to be worked on. Summer School began June 10th.

The Next Cherokee Schools Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 24th at 5pm.

