Cherokee County EMA Adding New Position

During the County Commission’s meeting on Tuesday, EMA Director Shawn Rogers told the Commission, EMA Officer Alex Abernathy had resigned his position which would need to be filled. Rogers asked the Commission to consider creating a new position of Deputy Director who would be responsible for all the duties of the Director in the event of his absence. Rogers also said that person would serve as systems manager for the 9-1-1 Center. If the commission approves the position, the 9-1-1 Board would reimburse the County for half the employee’s hourly pay which would start at pay grade 9, step 1 at the rate of $24.02 per hour plus benefits. Rogers said he had drafted the job description for the position and would also prepare a memorandum of understanding between the 9-1-1 Board and the Commission on the duties of the EMA Deputy Director for 9-1-1 and the sharing of the pay.

During the Commission meeting, the new Deputy Director’s position was approved, with the job description being posted and advertised for 14 days for applications to be accepted.


