Several members of the Centre City Council, including Centre Mayor Mark Mansfield, met Tuesday morning to discuss a number of items scheduled for the near future around the area.
They’ve been extremely busy bringing new events and attractions to the Cherokee County area, including an exciting display absolutely everyone is definitely looking forward to: The Estes Field PCA (Professional Cowboy Association) Rodeo, scheduled Friday and Saturday, June 14th and 15th! There has been a huge amount of interest in this upcoming event, that will feature a full line up of rodeo action and extras like their huge “Mutton Bustin’” event – where children have the chance to ride sheep – which is NOT easy; that’ll take place each evening at 6:30 with the rodeo starting at 7:30 – gates open at 5:30. Also a number of other details are still being worked out, to make certain that this event is something that everyone enjoys – and remembers; the town is also putting the finishing touches on a number of items in preparation for the event. The emphasis is on fun and safety – for one and all.
Discussion was also given to several other items, including how to make the Centre Fall Festival even better, an “Art in the Park” event, and also a number of possible improvements at the Farmer’s Market site to better serve both vendors and the public.
The Council plans to continue working on every facet of these, and other, upcoming events to make Centre and Cherokee County a fun and exciting destination for everyone.