Exercise Safety During Boating and Memorial Day Holiday Activities

In honor of the “National Boating Safety Week” event and with Memorial Day upon everyone – both WEIS Radio and the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office would like to offer a few reminders for the safety and well-being of all. 

Obey the Laws – Whether on land or water – there are laws for operating vehicles/vessels.  It’s important to know all of the do’s/don’ts.

Buckle Your Safety Belt – it’s the best way to stay safe in a vehicle.

Don’t Drink and Drive – even one alcoholic drink can greatly reduce your abilities and impair your judgment.  Have a plan.

Put Down the Cell Phone – an average of 9 people are fatally injured, and over 1,000 are hurt each day in crashes involving distracted drivers – do NOT text and drive!

Turn Down the Music – hearing sirens and emergency vehicles is a VERY important warning to slow down and drive cautiously.

Be Courteous – because of the volume of vehicles on the roadway, you’re bound to run into a few traffic jams, be cut off, or be forced to stop short, remain calm and courteous – don’t let other drivers ruin your holiday.

We urge everyone to be CAREFUL and obey the laws so that everyone can have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend.

(WEIS Radio News/Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office)


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