‘So-Cool Summer Camp’ for Kids is Just Around the Corner!

It’s ALMOST that time once again!

HEADS UP for the “So-Cool Summer Camp” for kids, sponsored by the Centre Rotary Club, taking place in Centre, June 3rd through 28th!   That’s every weekday (Monday through Friday), 8:00am until 4:00pm, in the old gym at Centre Elementary School – this is for students 8 to 12 and you can register your children (on site) any time throughout “So-Cool”.  FREE breakfast and lunch will be served daily!

They have a GREAT staff lined up again this summer to lead up a long list of FUN activities including a variety of great games and also thanks to the City of Centre – time at the ALL NEW City Swimming Pool!   So-Cool staff will also have special guests to make special presentations – and once again, So-Cool is pleased to present a Special Patriotic Program, and lunch, provided by the Centre Rotary Club!

Remember, “So-Cool Summer Camp” is FREE OF CHARGE.
