Cherokee County Schools Regular Board Meeting

During the Monday afternoon meeting of the Cherokee County School Board, Superintendent Mike Welsh and the Board approved the Energy Savings Budgets for Gaylesville School and Spring Garden School along with approving the Fiscal Year 2025 English (EL) Plan.

The Board then declared four different items as Surplus Property which will be sold. After this the Board then approved Personnel Action. Item A was the resignation of Jo Ann Pittman and Kevin Ward. Item B was Certified Placements for Jeff Johnson and Heather Hawk and Item C was Classified Placements for Shawna Miller, Tommy Hester and Robert Dan Smith. Item D was a Classified Transfer of Tammy Gaines. Item E was a contract Position for Colleen McGinnis. Item F was a Coaching Supplement for Jacob Kelly $4,644 for –the Centre Quarterback Club and Item G was a job posting.

Next on the agenda was to review 17 Job Postings this was reviewed. In Superintendent’s Update’s: Mike Welsh told the Board how proud he is of all the Cherokee County 3rd Grade  scoring a cumulative 93% on their assessment tests. Also, Friday is the last day of school for the year which will dismiss at 11:15 am. Final Grade reports come out May 29 and you can access them on the portal. Summer School begins June 10.

The next Cherokee School Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 10 at 4pm.

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