Rapper T-Pain Filming New Video Project in Centre

Monday morning began with a flurry of activity in downtown Centre, as WEIS Radio spoke with members of the production crew for the new T-Pain Project, Heist:


The movie is being directed by international rap star, T-Pain with scenes currently being shot on Main Street in Centre and surrounding areas, offering great visuals; T-Pain, born in neighboring Florida, is a huge admirer of the state of Alabama and has family ties to the area:


Crews will be here both Monday and Tuesday, as they shoot scenes and are gathering other footage for use as well.

We urge everyone to please steer clear and let them concentrate on what  they are doing; let’s make all their memories of Cherokee County GREAT!

As a traffic note, please be patient as traffic along Main Street, Cherokee Avenue, and other secondary streets may experience interruptions in 15-20 minute intervals during filming.

