Cherokee County Commission Meeting

During the Monday afternoon Cherokee County Commission Planning Session Chairman Tim Burgess called on Cameron Clark from the Department of Revenue. Clark informed the Commission he could save Cherokee county in excess of $30,000 with a new sales tax collection system. Clark, also informed the Commission Calhoun County just switched over with their sales tax collections.  Chairman Burgess, told Clark they would consider this at a later date.

Matt Townsend addressed the Commission about the Indian Mountain ATV Park. Townsend, informed the Commission about all the issues that have occurred over the past months at the ATV Park. He also told the Commission the park has paid $97, 000 in Property taxes. After, Townsend was finished Senator Andrew Jones took the Podium to address the Commission on behalf of the residents of Tecumseh, Spring Garden, Rock Run and communities adjacent the Indian Mountain ATV Park.  Senator Jones told the Commission he had been working on this legislation since 2021 with meetings with several state agencies, the Commission, and resident groups from the Community had questions or reservations about the proposed legislation. After Senator Jones presentation asking for the Commission’s support on Senate Bill 254, the Commissioners met among themselves with Senator Jones in the Planning room. The regular meeting of the Commission was to start at 5 but was postponed until 6.

The Regular Commission Meeting reconvened at 6pm. The Council Approved to hire Albert Samples, Steven Crane, and Stacy Bullard for the HMT-1 positions ( Grade3, Step1) at the Highway Department.

Next, the Commission approved an agreement with the Public Parks and Recreation Board of Cherokee County, Alabama to convey all Park Board Properties to the Cherokee County Commission and authorize the Chairman to sign all related documents necessary to complete the transaction.

The Commission, then adopted the Resolution endorsing the local Legislation Bill proposed by Senator Jones through the State for Cherokee County which would put forth regulations for permitting ATV Parks in County.

The next Cherokee County Commission Meeting will be May 13th at 10am.





