If You’re Owed A Tax Refund From The 2020 Tax Season You Only Have A Few More Weeks To Claim It

Lauren Harksen

If you’re owed a tax refund from the 2020 tax season, you only have a few more weeks to claim it.

Mark Steber, Jackson Hewitt Tax Services Chief Tax Information Officer, says you generally have three years to claim your refund but because of COVID-19, the tax season window was extended a month.

The IRS says the deadline to file 2020 returns is May 17, 2024. If you don’t, your refund, along with a million other people’s refunds totaling more than a billion dollars goes back into the National Treasury and it’s never released.

“If you’re not sure about 2019 — which is 2020 processing year, that’s the tax season,” he said. “If you don’t remember exactly what you got or did you get a refund or did you get those stimulus payments? You need to see a tax pro today.”

Steber says they have tools to check if you’re owed money. All you have to do is fill out some paperwork and they can find out if you’re owed money.
