The 78th Annual Meeting of The Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce

The Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce & Tourism held its 78th meeting on Thursday evening at the Gadsden State Cherokee Arena with a large gathering in attendance.

Chairman Aimee Kilgo welcomed the attendees, recognized special guests and began the evening by opening the Business Session of the Meeting by presenting the New Officers for the coming year: Bill Warren, Chairman; Beverly Edwards, Chairman Elect; Aimee Kilgo, Secretary; and Craig Gilley, Treasurer. The Gavel was then past to Chairman Bill Warren who gave brief remarks.

Aimee Kilgo presented the Chairman’s Merit Award to Beth Baker, local State Farm Insurance Agent.

Leann Lockridge presented the Beautification award to the Dry Creek Chapel of Leesburg with the owners, Taylor and Jennifer Drake accepting the Award.

Beverly Edwards presented The W.A. “Dub” Ellis award to the Children’s and Seniors Assistance Foundation with President Dean Amos accepting the award.

Joy Perry presented the Mary George Waite Spirit Award to Centre City Council Member, Bess Yarbrough.

Perry also presented the Chamber Scholarship to Annsley Battles.

She also recognized a group of Chamber Volunteers who are called Chamber Ambassadors.

Leann Lockridge recognized the Cherokee Health and Rehab for recently receiving a National Award in long term Health Care.

Daniel Steele, President of the Industrial Development Authority introduced the evening’s entertainment, Comedian Kenn Kington .

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