I Really Enjoy Going to All of the Council and Commission Meetings

I’ve been working for WEIS Radio for 10 months. I knew when I was hired I would be covering these meetings. The owner, Jerry Baker took me around at first to meet all the people. Finally, after three months he cut me loose on my own. This has been quite the experience to say the least. But, in a very positive fashion. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting all of the Mayor’s, Police Chief’s, Fire Department People, all of the Council and Commission People, County Clerk’s and The Cherokee County School Superintendent.

I’ve had the pleasure learning how all of the Town’s, Board of Education and Cherokee County Commission operate. This is only going to continue to get better as I gain more experience. Every meeting and town are totally unique and different. It’s not easy for the people in charge either. It’s very interesting how all these people get a long and may agree to disagree. But, they all have one common goal and that’s to make sure everything runs well and smoothly.

Again, I just wanted to let all of these people know how much I appreciate how helpful and courteous they have been to me. When I moved here from Lansing, Michigan I never thought I would be in such a solid situation to meet people and network.
