Leesburg Police Department Hosts Advanced Criminal Enforcement Interdiction Tactics

Leesburg Police Department Hosts Advanced Criminal Enforcement Interdiction Tactics (A.C.E.I.T)

As you might have noticed while driving through Leesburg on Monday or Tuesday (April, 2024) – the Leesburg Police Department, recently hosted a two-day training session – taught by Advanced Criminal Enforcement Interdiction Tactics (A.C.E.I.T), and aimed at equipping law enforcement professionals with very advanced skills to intercept criminal activities in highly effective ways.

That training session drew attendees from 24 different law enforcement agencies – spanning Alabama, Georgia, and Tennessee.  The collaborative effort, highlights the commitment of law enforcement agencies to continuous learning and improving their ability, to serve and protect communities.

Chief Chatman of the Leesburg Police Department expressed enthusiasm about the success of the training – stating that “Events like these not only enhance our capabilities – but ALSO foster valuable partnerships among agencies, ultimately contributing to safer communities.”

The program – designed to take attendees through a comprehensive step by step process on just how to be constitutionally proactive – is led by active law enforcement instructors with extensive real-world experience and the important training emphasized cutting-edge techniques that are both legally sound and operationally effective.

Participants took advantage of the opportunity to learn from instructors who’ve demonstrated remarkable success in the topics that they teach – making that training highly sought after by agencies across the country.

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