City of Centre Regular Meeting

During the Tuesday afternoon City of Centre Council Meeting Mayor Mansfield addressed the Council about the Randall Brackett Fire Truck repair invoice for Engine # 14 for $ 19,245.37. The Council approved that amount.

The  Quarterly reports were given from the Department Supervisors.

Raymond Matthews, Building Inspector completed the reentry for the restrooms in the Administrative Building for the Farmer’s Market patrons. Robert Pace, of the Fire Department told the Council there were 142 incidents from January 1, until March 31 2024.  Police Chief, Kirk Blankenship informed the Council 101 arrests during the 1st Quarter 2024. Jay Wilson, Director , Parks and Recreation told the Council Phase 1 of the Gym Remodel was done. They maintained approximately 20 acres of property and all structures at Parks and Recreation Facilities. Last up, was Bobby Paul, Supervisor, Street and Sanitation told the Council the Gutters and drains have been an issue but their working on it. Mowing has begun and they appreciate the new mower.

The Council approved the street department purchase of a flag pole for $ 2, 247.62. The CCHS Tennis Team is hosting a Fundraiser event with Pickle Ball Playoffs May 4th and 5th with all proceeds going to CCHS Tennis Benefit was approved.

The Spring Cleanup Week was set for April 29th through May 3rd when city residents may place their non household waste out by their garbage can on their regular trash pick up day and a second truck will come by and pick it up free of charge.

A portable pitching purchase was approved for the mounds at the Ed Yarbrough Park in the amount of $4198.00 with the Council approving the purchase of temporary fences for the softball complex in the amount of  $2142.11.

The Council discussed and approved wireless portable microphones to be purchased for the Council podium for $ 4741.50.

In Mayor Comments: Mayor Mansfield complemented the Master Gardner’s for the landscaping job they did in the Park.

The next City of Centre Council Meeting will be April 23rd.



