City of Centre Council Regular Meeting

During the Tuesday afternoon City of Centre Council Meeting mayor Mansfield addressed the Council about the City Hall plans from Architect Tom McElrath which were accepted by the Council and now will be sent out for bids.

 The Council then accepted the Zoning Board’s recommendation to rezone the parcel of land located at Rachel Lane from Highway Commercial to single Family residential Classification. Property owners are Jerry L. Culberson , Sr., Patricia A. Culberson and Jerry L. Culberson , II

 The Council also accepted the Zoning Board’s recommendation to rezone the parcel of land located at the corner of Northwood Drive and Powell Drive from Highway Commercial to single family residential classification.  Property Owner is Chris Brock.

 Mayor Mansfield and the Council opened four sealed bids for the new Fire Truck. The lowest bid was from Deep South for $454,429.00. This was tabled so they could analyze all the bids to be certain they meet advertised specifications.

 The Council then discussed advertising and interview for the Fire Marshall Position. This is a full-time salaried position. It’s a Grade 5 job that pays $35,000 yearly. This person will fill all the duties. The Council approved the creation of this position.

 The Council accepted to purchase new radar units for new squad cars.

After, this the Council tabled the purchase of a new flag pole because they do not have the complete price so this was also tabled.

 In Mayors Comments: he told the Council Phase 1 of the gym is completed. Everyone is very happy with  the job all the City Employees are doing.

The next City of Centre Meeting will be Tuesday April 9th








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