Cedar Bluff Town Council Meeting

 Mayor Tammy Crane asked the Council to approve the past minutes and Financial Reports. Then, Crane had Police Chief Jeremy Stepps give the Police Report for February. The Cedar Bluff Police Department patrolled 8435 miles. There was one felony arrest and 17 warrants served.

Then, Mark Baty, the Building Inspector and Fireman, gave both of the report’s. There were 10 fire incidents in February with his Building Inspector Report there was 33 Camper Permits purchased.

The Public Speaker was Bobbie Hicks, a Cedar Bluff longtime resident, with a lengthy discussion about the packs of dogs that are running loose in Cedar Bluff. Mostly, the dogs congregate at the end of Rosemary Street. The Council agreed this is a bad situation and residents are afraid of these stray dogs. Police Chief Stepps said we need to adopt a resolution and need to reword the current ordinance so police can be more involved. These dogs are damaging resident’s properties and attacking their pets. The problem is what is the solution to this ongoing bad situation?

Then Mayor Crane addressed the Council about the need for a new bench in front of the Town Hall. The Council unanimously passed the measure with $1400.00 for the project coming from the general fund for a new bench and some planters.

The next Cedar Bluff Town Council meeting will be April 8th
