Cherokee County Commission Meeting

During the Monday afternoon Cherokee County Commission Planning Session, Chairman  Tim Burgess called on County Engineer Corey Chambers to address the Commission. Chambers informed everyone in the room he is retiring effective February 1, 2025.  Chambers has been the County Engineer for 16 ½ years. He will help in any way he can with the transition of his replacement. Chairman Burgess told the Commission they will have to advertise for three weeks about the job. It will be a two month process to hire somebody. This individual will have to be a Civil Engineer. Burgess, said there is an urgency but we need some options, he ask the Commission to address this further at their next meeting in two weeks.

 The Commission approved the Agreement between the Department of Examiners of Public Accounts and the Cherokee County Commission for an audit of the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds and authorized the Chairman to sign.

 The Commission unanimously approved the Memorandum of Understanding with the Rotary Club of Centre, defining the purpose for the SO-COOL summer program in the amount of $ 2500. Then the Commission approved the job posting for HMT-1 position( Grade 3, Step1) at the Highway Department.

  Chairman Burgess spoke in detail about how we need Cherokee County to stay cleaned up. Everyone weighed in about this crucial topic. So, the Commission adopted a Resolution recognizing April 27th –May 4th 2024 as “County Cleanup Week” to coincide with the Alabama PALS program.

 The meeting closed out with County Administrator Daniel Steele informing the Commission Wednesday will be a pre-construction meeting for the new Courthouse. This company will put up their command center on the site.


The next Cherokee County Commission Meeting will be April 8th at 10am.
