Collinsville City Council Regular Meeting

During the Monday afternoon Collinsville City Council Meeting Mayor Johnny Traffanstedt addressed the Council with the Mayor’s Report. The Mayor discussed the tennis courts and basketball goal bid’s . The lowest bid was $ 33,175.00 but took no action on this item.  Then, the Mayor spoke about the pavilion bid by Trey Sauls Construction. This is 24 feet  by 24 feet with a low bid was for $16,700 which was approved by the Council unanimously. After that the Mayor brought up the two bids for the leaky roof at Tyler Farms building  which the City of Collinsville owns, The Council accepted the bid from K & S Construction for $78,000.

Jill Tidmore, the City Clerk, told the Council a 5th Police Officer for Collinsville has been hired. Also, the Librarian Jennifer Wilkins spoke to the Council about promoting the library and in April she will have that campaign in place.

Layton Olson a citizen of Collinsville spoke at length to the Council about the 250th Anniversary of 1776. He wants to showcase the natural beauty of Collinsville. Olson, spoke in depth about the Historical Events of 1776. The Council passed a resolution about the Calendar Coordinators.

The Council then approved the Hacienda Real Mexican Restaurant getting an alcohol license.

The next Collinsville City Council Meeting will be April 1st




