Cherokee County Schools Regular Board Meeting

During the Monday afternoon meeting of the Cherokee County School Board, Superintendent Mike Welsh asked the Board to accept the CMS Lawn Care Bid for Centre Middle School which was approved. Superintendent Welsh asked  the Board to consider declaring the Powermatic Jointer at the Sand Rock Ag Department as surplus . The measure was approved and the equipment will be sold.

The Board then approved the Equipment agreement with Ricoh for the Cherokee County Career and Tech Center along with approving John Kincer and two CCHS FFA students to attend the National FFA Washington Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. on July 8-14 2024- Funded by CCHS FFA (Trip 2177).

All Personnel Action was approved; see the complete list below.

Superintendent Welsh commended Scott Hays, Transportation Supervisor upon his Retirement After 24 Years of Service-Effective: July 1, 2024

The Board then approved Professional Development and Reviewed the Current Job postings.

In the Superintendent’s Comments:  Mr. Welsh commended the Spring Garden Girls Varsity Basketball Team on winning the State Championship.

After this the Superintendent called for an Executive Session on a Student Disciplinary Hearing. This lasted approximately an hour. After reconvening the meeting, Mr. Welsh addressed the Board by saying we don’t have enough information to make a decision today. So the Board, unanimously agreed to table the issue until the next Board Meeting.

The next Cherokee County Schools Board Meeting is Scheduled for Monday, April 8th.
