When Is Your Tax Refund Arriving

Since the start of tax season at the end of January, the Internal Revenue Service has processed 21 million tax returns with an average refund of $3,207.

If you’re one of those who have already filed well ahead of the April 15 deadline, you may be wondering when you can expect your refund to arrive. You can track that via the Where’s My Refund? tool that, according to the IRS, has received some upgrades.

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You can get three pieces of information on Where’s My Refund?: confirmation the IRS has received your federal tax return, approval of the refund and issuing date of the refund. Information for returns from tax years 2021, 2022 and 2023 are available.

This year’s version also includes upgrades designed to reduce the need to call the IRS, the agency said. Those upgrades include messages with detailed refund status provided in plain language, access on mobile devices and with the IRS2Go app and notifications indicating whether the IRS needs additional information.
