WEIS Radio Welcomes Author Brian Barham to the Studios

WEIS Radio was very happy to spend some time recently with the author Brian Barham of Cedar Bluff – who shared some of his time to discuss his new book – “Eagles Soar.”

It’s a fascinating story that runs deep, and Barham has worked very hard and long to bring to life something that will HOPEFULLY and SHOULD stir EVERYONE on some level:

The sometimes harsh reality of life is dealt with on a number of levels, in a very straightforward – yet sympathetic way – in Barham’s book.

Sharing life-experiences is very important, as everyone, especially young people – can learn through the wisdom of those who’ve already been in a very similar position and gained knowledge from the experience:

Listen to that WEIS Radio interview with Brian Barham in its entirety below:

“Eagles Soar” synopsis:

Coach Bart Graham coaches a football team that encounters all sorts of challenges on and off the field. Bart is comfortable with his faith and calls on it to assist him while coaching. The team has some experienced and talented players and some who are new to the game of football. Quarterback Rex Jackson is an exceptional player and effective leader who seems to easily rally the team. When tragedy strikes the team, faith become more than just a part of football. It becomes the crucial centerpiece to dealing with grief while enabling the Eagles to Soar.

About Brian Barham:

Brian Barham grew up loving the game of football and was coached by his dad as a youth. As an adult, Brian coached each of his three sons as they played youth football. He continued to coach at the middle school, junior varsity, and varsity levels. Through the prayers and example of a friend, Brian came to know Christ as his personal savior during the 9th grade. Faith remains central to his life. Brian served a career as a soldier which included several deployments. After the Army, Brian taught JROTC and relished coaching and working with young people. Brian and his wife, Chris, raised a daughter and three sons who are off leading their own interesting lives. He settled in North Alabama along Weiss Lake. He remains active coaching, attending Men’s Bible study, and worshiping at his local church.

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