Another $100 Tagged Crappie Caught From Weiss Lake

On Tuesday another fisherman caught a prized crappie from Weiss Lake. It was worth $100 in cash to Merrell Gorrell of Kentucky which makes this the third $100 tagged fish turned in this week.
The tagged fish program is the Weiss Lake Crappie Rodeo which is underway through April 30th. The Weiss Lake Improvement Association tagged 1001 Crappie with a total prize payout of $134,050 and released them into the lake. Anglers who want to claim the prize associated with a Tagged Fish will have to have a Rodeo Badge which can be purchased from local merchants around the lake.
1 Fish with a Tag is worth $10,000.
53 Tagged Fish are worth $1,000 each.
474 Tagged Fish are worth $100 each
473 Tagged Fish are worth $50 each.
All funds derived from the sale of Rodeo Badges are reinvested into Weiss Lake Fish Habitat to enhance the fishery on Weiss Lake.

Good Luck and Good Fishing!!

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