Actions Taken at the Cherokee County Commission Meeting

The Cherokee County Commission met in regular session on Monday, January 22nd with the following actions being taken.

Cherokee County Coroner, Paul McDonald, was recognized as receiving a Certificate showing he is now ABMDI Board Certified.

Commission Chairman Burgess announced two vacancies on the Cherokee County Park Board is to be filled at the February 12th meeting. Persons interested in being appointed or reappointed should submit letters or resumes to the Commission by February 7th. Chairman Burgess also announced three positions to the Cherokee County Communications District will take place at the February 12th meeting. Persons wishing to be considered for these positions should submit letters or resumes to the Commission by February 7th.

Lynn Hillhouse, Dianne Ledbetter, and Dewandee Neyman were appointed to serve 4 year terms on the Public Library Board.

The Commission approved agreements with Southern Software Incorporated in the amount of $10,292 for the Jail Management Systems. They also approved a grant agreement with the Alabama Department of Youth Services in the amount of $225,520. They approved for Regions Corporate Trust to be the underwriter for the new Courthouse Bond Issue. Raymond James was approved as the Underwriter for the New Courthouse Bond Issue.  The Commission approved the First Amendment to the Municipal Solid Waste Agreement with Advanced Disposal Services Solid Waste Southeast, Inc regarding residential exemptions in accordance with the code of Alabama. Chairman Burgess was authorized to sign all documents associated with these agreements.

The Commission entered into an executive session for the purpose of discussing pending or threatened litigation and the purchase or sale of property. Upon exiting the executive session, no actions were taken by the Commission.

The next Commission Meeting is scheduled for February 12th at 10am in the Commission Chambers.


