First Full Moon of the Year will be in the Sky Tonight

(Gray News) – The first full moon of the year will grace the night sky this week.

January’s full moon, referred to as the wolf moon, will peak Thursday night, according to NASA’s Daily Skywatching Guide. It will appear 11 degrees about the east-northeastern horizon as the evening twilight ends at about 6:22 p.m.

It will appear full until Friday night.

The wolf moon’s name is associated with the packs of wolves villages would hear howling during the deep winter, according to the Maine Farmers’ Almanac.

January’s moon is also referred to as the ice moon or the old moon.

Two planets will also be visible along with the full moon. NASA reported both Jupiter and Saturn will be prevalent in the night sky.

Jupiter will be the brightest and will appear about 64 degrees above the southern horizon. Saturn will appear 15 degrees above the west-southwestern horizon.

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