Piedmont City Council Meeting

During their latest meeting – the Piedmont City Council declared 6 out of date electrical transformers as surplus to be sold on Gov Deals.  The City had an offer of $10,000 each for the transformers but they chose to sell them on Gov Deals in hopes of getting a higher price. The motion was for the money to go into the electrical account to help pay for new transformers for the Electrical Department for current use.

Piedmont Police Chief Nathan Johnson presented the Council with the Department’s December activity report with a total of 30 arrests resulting in 34 misdemeanor charges and 16 felony charges with officers patrolling a total of 6,225 miles, initiating 406 contacts with the public, issuing 40 traffic citations, and working 7 accidents. Officers were dispatched on 263 calls for service with 91 resulting in a report being filed. The municipal court collected a total of $18,658.21 with the City retaining $6,833.

The Council also reappointed Carlos Farmer to the Piedmont Health Care Authority for a 5 year term and Terry Baty was appointed to serve on the Board of Equalization.   The Council approved bills for payment – in the amount of $635,808.67 with payroll amounting to $165,268.78 – for a combined total amount of $801,077.45.

The next meeting of the Piedmont City Council will be on February 6th in the Council Chambers with the work session set for 5:30pm.

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