Piedmont City Council Meeting

Mayor Baker and the Piedmont City Council got right into the financial discussion during the regular Council meeting Tuesday evening. There were many cost cutting measures and changes brought up. Many Council members weighed in how they can adjust rates wherever. Then, Councilman Jubal Feazell spoke at length about the proposal he had worked on in depth. Feazell spoke at length about how this proposal can help prevent the current financial situation occurring in the future. This proposal is very lengthy. Some Council Members said they are going to need time to read it over a few times to comprehend all of the points and issues. However on a roll call vote, the measure past. The resolution included a 1 percent rate reduction in electrical rates, the 2 percent fuel surcharge will stay, starting on Monday, employees who have been driving City vehicles home will have to drive their own vehicles back and forth to work, beginning January 1st, the City employees will begin paying $5.00 per week on their health insurance, and beginning immediately, no City departments will be dispatched to a medical call unless it is deemed to be life threatening.  Also, there is a hold on anyone to be hired.

The Council got a quote on a pump station for the 5th Avenue Lift Station. This is located on North 5th Avenue. The quote is for $ 91,327.56 cents. The Council was told by the City Clerk and Mayor Baker they will use rescue money for this project. This is 7-9 months out.

Council Member Terry Kiser made a motion to move the December 19th Meeting to December 12th. This motion was approved.

Police Chief Nathan Johnson told the Council the Police Department had a total of 51 arrests on 58 Misdemeanor charges 7 Felony charges. Also, the Chief informed the council there were16 total abatement cases.

Interim Fire Chief Cale Donaldson told the Council there were 115 calls for the month of October. He also spoke about the different training sessions that had gone on in October.

In the Mayor’s comments he wanted to thank everyone for coming. He told everyone in attendance he cares about Piedmont. “I do the best job I can do.” Mayor Baker said. He also said “We can agree to disagree”. I want everyone to have a nice Thanksgiving. The Christmas Parade is set for December 4th at 6pm.

The next Piedmont City Council Meeting will be Tuesday December 5th.









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