Qualifying For Local Office In The 2024 Republican Primary in Cherokee County

Qualifying for Cherokee County, Alabama, local office in the Republican Primary for the 2024 Election Cycle is governed by the following rules:

Each person desiring to be elected as a nominee of the Republican Party for county office in Cherokee County should first call Cherokee County Republican Chairman Scott C. Lloyd at 256-266-1466 and announce his/her intent to stand as a candidate.

Each candidate must file a Declaration of Candidacy with Chairman Lloyd on or after OCTOBER 16, 2023 but no later than 5:00 p.m. Central Standard Time 116 days before the Primary Election.

Each candidate must pay a qualification fee of 2% of the annual salary applicable to any remunerative office or $50.00 for any unrenumerative office, unless the candidate is indigent, in which case there is an alternative procedure to qualify as a pauper.





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