Budget Was Major Part of Discussion at The Cedar Bluff Town Council Meeting

During the Workshop Attorney Wilson Blount spoke for about 20 minutes about a Class action lawsuit for Weiss Lake contamination. Blount, spoke about more testing of the water and if Cedar Bluff will qualify for Federal Money if needed. This was all preliminary with all of the testing. There will be no charge for this concerning the testing is what Blount  told the Council.

The Council spoke at length about the FY 2023 Budget. The council decided to hold workshop to go over the budget with a fine tooth comb. This will take place in the Town Hall Council room on Wednesday September 20th at 4:15 pm.

Councilman Bond and Ritchie discussed the current budget with Mayor Crane and the other Council members and how she comes up with these numbers. She said they compare last year’s figures and budget with this years.

In the Police Report for August , Police Chief Stepps gave the monthly status report with five felony arrests made in August. There were 20 hours of Traffic OT that was worked by each officer’s this month for a total of 80 hrs at no cost to the town due to federal overtime grant money.

The Fire Report , was given by Mr. Baty of the Cedar Bluff Fire Department and there were 16 incidents in August. Baty, also gave the Building / Zoning Inspector Report. There were 10 permits given out for building  and moving combined.  Also, there were three nuisance violations given out and four zoning violations given out.

Bill Warren, told the Council that law was passed for the storm shelter to stay like it was. There would be no liability involved at all.

Mr. Baty, also gave the quotes for the trash can lids. He didn’t have an exact figure yet on the lids. He said new cans would cost $1279.00.

The Approval for a New Bank Account with the Municipal Court Judicial Administrative fund passed.

The Council passed $2,000 for trunk or treat with activities and candy on October 31,2023

The next Cedar Bluff Town Council will be held on October 9th.

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