Long-Time Cherokee Rock Village Park Manager Dismissed


The Cherokee County Parks & Recreation Board held a special called meeting in the Commission Chambers – at 6:00 Thursday evening.

Immediately after calling that meeting into session, Chairman Miranda Watson asked for an Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the good name, character and job performance of an employee.

After an Executive Session lasting one hour and 58 minutes, the board re-convened the regular meeting – with the board voting to terminate the employment of the long time Park Manager, Shannon Mackey, effective immediately.

The Board also voted to reinstate Cam Lambert to the position of employee of the Cherokee Rock Village Park – with back pay; the Board voted to reinstate Dawn Bishop to the employment of Cherokee Rock Village Park with back pay and the Board voted to place Cam Lambert as the Interim Manager of Cherokee Rock Village Park.

All votes taken by the board were unanimous by all five board members voting for the actions.


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