Cherokee Board of Education Meeting


Cherokee County Schools

Regular Board Meeting

Wednesday   8/23/2023

Mike Welsh the Superintendent of Cherokee County Schools called the meeting to order. Ms. Robin Cunningham went over the Cherokee County Board of Education Proposed Annual Budget for the fiscal year October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024. The mission statement is Educate, Inspire and Empower. Ms Cunningham went over the entire budget overview. The combined budget for the fiscal year is 52,709,273 dollars. She, informed the Board about State Allocations, Grant, Funding, Stronger Connection Grant, Local Funds, Special Revenue, Title 1- Part A, Federal, Federal –IDEA, Federal Carl Perkins, Child Nutrition, Warrant Payments, Bus Fleet Renewal and Public School Funds Capital Outlay .

The Board approved the2023-24 renewal of Alabama Trust for Boards of Education General Liability/Errors and Omissions Liability Fund Participation, the renewal of the Alabama Trust for School Boards Automobile fund participation, the Energy Savings Budget Amendment for Cherokee County High School, Out of State Travel for the National Convention in Indianapolis, and the fiscal year 2024 federal programs plan.

The Board also approved the personnel action sheet and discussed two job openings in the school system.

Superintendent Welsh commended Jamie Paris for saving a life at a Spring Garden Football Game last season.

The next Cherokee County Schools Board Meeting will take place on Wednesday September 13 at 4pm at the Admin Building.


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