Collinsville Town Council Appropriates $1000 Travel Expenses

One Thousand Dollars Appropriated To Girls Softball Teams.

The 10 and Under and 8 and under Girls All Star Softball teams appeared before the Council asking for assistance in traveling to Gardendale, Alabama to participate in the USA State Softball Tournament. Mayor Traffanstedt asked the Council to approve $500 for each team to cover travel expenses. The Council approved the measure.

Police Chief Brown updated the Council on the Trucks for the Police Department. They were purchased from the State bid list through Donahoo Chevrolet in February but still have not received the vehicles and do not know when they will be receiving them. The dealership had the trucks in stock but had to install the necessary police equipment which seems to be the hold up.

The Town’s Librarian updated the Council on the activities ongoing during the summer at the Library. The summer reading program continues and they are in the process of building Pinewood Derby Cars with the youth in the community. There is a race track being constructed for a race once the cars are built.

An extra vacation day was approved for the Town’s employees which will be utilized in 2023 for the July 4th Holiday. The employees will have Monday July 3rd off with pay which will give them a long holiday weekend.

The next Collinsville Town Council Meeting will be July 17 at 5pm in the Council Chambers.
