Centre Municipal Employees Receive Pay Increase

Centre Municipal Employees Receive Pay Increase

During the Centre City Council meeting on Tuesday afternoon, the Council approved a one dollar per hour pay increase for all Employees. The pay increase is immediate on the next paycheck. The City’s finance committee met last week and made this recommendation to the Mayor and Council. It appears the City had two studies done comparing the City’s pay scale to other Cities in the state with the same population base as Centre. The Mayor said this would get the local employees up to comparable pay scale as other cities with the same population.

During the planning session, Kelli Lambert and Rebecca Hammett with the Cherokee County High School Band Booster made a presentation to the Council about being the Anchor Sponsor of the Booster Club with a sponsorship fee for the Platinum level at $2000 with other sponsorships available for less. The Council was giving some consideration to the sponsorship at some level but the City’s Legal Counsel asked the Mayor and Council to contact the Board of Education to see how to structure the Sponsorship prior to making the commitment. The item was tabled until the next meeting to give the Mayor time to consult with the Board of Education.

Mayor Mansfield told the Council the New Aquatic Center is not ready for opening at this time. The pumps and filters have arrived and the pool’s plaster was to be applied today, if weather permits. He said the opening will be soon but could not give an exact date for opening.

The next meeting of the Centre City Council will be June 27th with planning session at 4pm and the Council meeting at 5pm.


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