Cherokee County Board of Education Approves Long List of Personnel Items

Cherokee County Schools
Regular Board Meeting
06/06/2023 04:00 PM
Cherokee County Administrative Building
Cherokee County Commission Meeting Room
260 Cedar Bluff Rd #103, Centre, AL 35960

1. Call to Order
2. Opening Prayer
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Welcome
5. Public Comments
6. Roll Call – Establishment of a Quorum
7. Proper Procedures for Board Meeting Notification
8. Adopt Agenda
9. Approve May 22, 2023 Minutes
10. Receive April 2023 Financial Report
Receive the April 2023 Bank Reconciliation, Cash Balance, and Financial Report. The financial data and cash balance presented in these reports were based on the reconciled bank statements to the general ledger as of April 30, 2023.
11. Cenergistic Energy Program Report

  1. Russell Jacoway to present the Cenergistic Energy Program Report

12. Review 2023-2024 Salary Schedules
13. Approve Revised Financing Agreement with Digital Scoreboards, LLC for Cherokee County HighSchool
14. Approve Energy Savings Budget Amendment

  1. Amend 2022-2023 Energy Savings Budget for Cedar Bluff School

15. Approve Meal Prices for the 2023-2024 School Year

  1. Employee Lunch Meals – $4.50
  2. Visitor Lunch Meals – $5.00

16. Approve Out of State Travel

  1. Brittney Hill and FFA Students to Travel to Barns Family Agriculture Facility in Jasper, GA on July 28-29, 2023 to Participate in Livestock Projects – Funded by Parents/Students (Trip 1032)
  2. Anita Nation and a Sand Rock Student to Travel to St. Paul, MN on July 24-27, 2023 toParticipate in YMCA National Judicial Competition (NJC) (Trip 1061) – Funded bySponsor/Student

17. Approve Personnel Action
A. Resignation
Effective: End of the 2022-2023 School Year

  1. Christopher Jones, Science Teacher at Sand Rock School

B. Certified Transfers by Agreement
Effective: 2023-2024 School Year

  1. Kelsey Hilliard from Elementary Teacher to School Counselor at Cedar Bluff School – Pending Certification (OOF) (Kristin Cambron’s Position)
  2. Emory Reedy Blanchard from K-3 Transition Teacher to Elementary Teacher at SpringGarden School (New Position)

C. Certified Placements
Effective: 2023-2024 School Year:

  1. Aubie Justus, Elementary Teacher at Cedar Bluff School (Kelsey Hilliard’s Position)
  2. Jenifer Prater, Special Education Teacher at Centre Middle School – Pending Certification (Mary Jane Bradley’s Position)
  3. Colby Coursey, Social Science Teacher at Cedar Bluff School – Pending Certification (OOF) (Justin Little’s Position)
  4. Harley Thomas, Music Teacher at Cedar Bluff School/Gaylesville School – Pending Certification (Kimberly Serio’s Position)
  5. Garret Young, History Teacher at Cherokee County High School – Pending Certification (Shawn Turner’s Position)
  6. Selena Moat, K-3 Transition Teacher at Spring Garden School – (Emory Reedy Blanchard’s position)
  7. David McLaughlin, Computer Science Teacher at Cherokee County Career and Technology Center- Pending Background Clearance and Certification (Christian Nelson’s Position)
  8. Savannah Bush, Business Education Instructor at Cherokee County Career and Technology Center(Haley Cosby’s Position)

D. Classified Placements
Effective: 2023-2024 School Year

  1. Abby Bannister, Board Certified Behavioral Analyst (New Position)
  2. Travis (TJ) Roer, Bus Driver at Centre Middle School (Rita MohnKern’s Position)
  3. Steven Wilks, Bus Driver at Sand Rock School (James Paul Bailey’s Position)
  4. Stephen Lanham, Bus Driver at Spring Garden School (Robert Jones Position)

E. Summer Positions

  1. Felicia Sanford – CNP Summer Worker at Cedar Bluff
  2. Shon-wel Gleen – Summer Worker at Cedar Bluff
  3. Rachel Farley – Reading Academy K-3 Teacher (Remove Tabatha Wright)
  4. Wesley Gossett – Extended Summer Special Ed Parapro/Nurse at Centre Elementary
  5. Laura Catherine Young/Kimberly Kiker to Split Summer Worker Position at Centre Middle (Remove Tracy Kines)
  6. Allison Rogers – Summer Teacher Sub at Cherokee County High School
  7. Amber May – Summer Teacher Sub at Cherokee County High School
  8. Britney Swafford – Summer Special Ed Aide at Gaylesville School
  9. Rebecca Crane – Reading Academy K-3 Teacher (Remove Paige Lockridge)
  10. Patricia Smith – Reading Academy K-3 Teacher (Remove Paige Hall)
  11. Gigi Clausen – Summer Media Specialist (Remove Donna Norris)
  12. Beth Carter – Summer Office Aide Sub
  13. Donna Norris – Summer Teacher Sub
  14. Paige Lockridge – Summer Teacher Sub
  15. Paige Hall – Summer Teacher Sub
  16. Anna Hellums – Nurse Sub
  17. Jayden Flynt – Summer Worker at Central Office

F. Contract Positions

  1. Amanda Johnson, Instructional Tutor at Cedar Bluff School (Certifi ed) – Effective: 2023-2024School Year
  2. Brittany Swafford, Instructional Tutor at Gaylesville School (Non-Certifi ed) – Effective: 2023-2024School Year
  3. Jennifer Foster, Instructional Tutor at Sand Rock School (Non-Certifi ed) – Effective: 2023-2024School Year
  4. Johnny Schoonhoven, Contract Laborer (as needed) – Effective: May 22, 2023
  5. CCHS Band Camp Assistants (see attached list)

G. Job Posting

  1. Special Education Paraprofessional/Bus Aide

H. Leave of Absence

  1. Amber May, English Teacher at Cherokee County High School

18. Approve Professional Development
19. Review Current Job Postings
20. Superintendent’s Update
21. Other
22. Adjourn

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